Sunday, April 19, 2009

a "direct" flight


...i'm sitting in the departure lounge here in Douala waiting to – of course – depart. been traveling so much these past few weeks that this almost doesn't feel any different. in fact, i just realized that the reason this "direct" [Cameroon Airlines] flight will take so long is b/c it's about as direct as a bush-taxi ride.

1st we go to Cotonou (Benin). then it's Abidjan (Ivory Coast). then Bamako (Mali). and finally, for those still hanging on to their sanity by a thin thread of patience (although i wouldn't be), the "direct" flight stops in Dakar (Senegal). won-da-ful!

i'm surprised we're not just dropping people off at their respective villages along the way. the co-pilot hovering slowly while the captain fetches people's luggage and bids them bon voyage before they depart.

anywho... i'm getting cynical and stupid. truth is, i'm tired of traveling and i can't wait to get to Bamako. wish i had gifts for everyone, but i'm afraid i thought of all that too late.

BTW... i just caught the 1st 1/2 of the KSA vs. Cameroon match. i'm disappointed i won't know who won until we reach Bamako. especially b/c i've got this Cameroon jersey [more on the jerseys] on. it's really attracting attention! what will the Malians say? :)

1 comment:

  1. IMAGE: a billboard in bamako...

    it's an HIV/AIDS campaign that plays on the footballers' "reflex" of protecting themselves when blocking a direct kick at the goal.

    the french reads "use your reflexes against AIDS, if you can't use anything else." in other words, protect yourself.
