Sunday, February 22, 2009

mangoes in the moonlight

one last thought, 5/3/2002:

walking back home last night, i looked up and saw mangoes in the moonlight. can't help but think of jewels when i see that sight. pendant pearls in that soft, cool glow is what they look like.

i think how beautiful, how enchanting, how magical... and on a night when the moon is full, its glow bright and places surreal... like walking through one of Picasso's blues... seeing mangoes in the moonlight i think of paradise.

...and that keeps me here.


  1. IMAGE: just wanted to capture that sketch of the mangoes! :)

  2. Salaam,

    Wow, what a suttle and sweet poem. Reminds me of the sweet taste of mangoes in my paradise.

    *cute sketch of the mangoes (look like lima beans on strings). Just Kidding!

  3. thanks daydreamer! where's your paradise, if i may ask?

    salaam :)

  4. Well, if you must know. It is a place somewhere between the life I wish had and the one I have now. Meaning, I want to do so many things in my life, you know. Wake up on the far side of the mountains somewhere in India, and still be the Muslim girl that I am. But it is, as I find it, easier to dream about it than live it.

    I do love the life I have now, no complaints. Yet, I wish that someday I could wake up on that mountain. But the mangoes are good for now.


  5. Also I should say,
    Paradise does not look like home but feels like home.

  6. the mangoes are good for now...

    i like that!

    salaam :)
