Thursday, July 15, 2010

(too much) to do

things to do on 9/19/2002:

GTTC [Govt Teacher Training College]
-Present HIV/AIDS Awards
(invite 5 winners to meeting Sat. 3:30pm)
-Announce EE Club meeting
(explain elections and GLOBE)
-Assign questions on EE article
(notebooks collected Friday by 9am)
-Record time-table!

GHS [Govt High School]
-DM: HIV/AIDS?, clearing garden plot.
-Chindong: Maggie and I meet w/him to discuss EE Club
-VP: Health Club? HIV/AIDS point-person?

GBSS [Govt Bilingual Secondary School]
-HIV/AIDS and/or EE?

GTHS [Govt Technical High School]
-HIV/AIDS and/or EE?

Medical Center: HIV/AIDS meeting
Alain: pay him for the GLOBE post, discuss mounting box
Maggie: EE Club and library (curriculum and scheduling) meeting



  1. image: this is the page out of my journal (should be dated 9/19/2002) that this post above is based on.

    yet another (over)ambitious day in the optimism of the start of a new academic year! i remember this day clearly. it was hot, and i walked/biked a lot. too much to do in one day.

    the page in my journal reflects that. there are about a 1/2 dozen items circled that i didn't get to, like GBSS entirely. and a "BLAH" meeting at the Med Ctr.

    i'm in my 2nd year in cameroon, but still learning the wisdom in the proverb "small-small catch monkee!" or, if you like, the french proverb petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid.

  2. so, i was curious... what's the english version of the two (little-by-little) proverbs above?

    "many a mickle makes a muckle"

    oh my!
