Wednesday, July 14, 2010

can i keep this up?

it's about 9:30pm. been sleeping around 10pm recently. got this routine going... hope to keep it up:
  • 10pm-5am – sleep
  • 5am-6am – fajr/run/workout
  • 6am-8am – wash/eat/relax
  • 8am-1-3pm – school/dhur/eat
  • 3pm-6pm – siesta/'asr/reading/guests
  • 6pm-8pm – mosque (for maghrib & 'isha)/dinner
  • 8pm-10pm – work/letters/write
so... that's how it looks. again, i pray i can keep it up. been walking to school recently... can i keep that up? not talking to Temikum... can i keep that up? school's still a mess of sorts: no time-table, few students, fewer teachers, the seminar???, non-cooperation within Admin... can we keep that up?

road [to Wum] is still bad (Maggie spent 8 hours on it today... Dorothy [Paul's fiancée, now wife] slept on the way hier [yesterday])... can they keep that up? ...can i keep this up? no.

i need non-lubricated condoms for our demonstration. i need to work out how/what to do for it (if, indeed, it will be held on Thursday). i need to write in my Peace & Freedom journal. and i need to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. note: i have to say that's quite a regimented schedule for an easy-going, unstructured guy like me! so i'm not sure i really kept it up ;)

    that said, it's probably a good indication of what a PCV teacher's schedule is like. more or less. most volunteers would have more teaching hours, though. (and less time at the mosque).

    that was something i struggled with at my school. apathy and poor work ethic. on the part of our administration, faculty, students... and sometimes myself. it's contagious. sadly. but there's no excuse.

    lack of structure is often part of the job description for PCVs. but not so much when you're teaching at a school. what i found out is that being stuck in a structure that doesn't work (is falling apart) can be worse.

    more to come on that...
