Thursday, May 26, 2011


"Psychological hunger is when your house has a view of an oil rig and you still struggle to feed your family everyday."
from a BBC report on a northern Angolan oil-rich / people-poor territory, where there's an annual oil revenue of $100,000 per head... but how much do the people get?

...speaking of 100,000, moms and i are in Yaounde now. at the Hilton. long trip down from Wum. 40,000 cfa and 3 hours to Bamenda. 60,000 cfa and 6 hours from Bamenda. left Wum late. it's now mid-night. i wonder about that 100,000 cfa. it bothers me, for a few reasons:
  1. what could've been down with that money.
  2. how easy it would've been to spend less.
  3. what it meant (to the Cameroonians around us) to spend that much.
more specifically, what it shouldn't have meant but did/does. i dislike being called patron. i can't say how moms feels about that. but if i could, i still wouldn't. God bless her.

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