Monday, June 13, 2011


GTTC 2002 Admissions #s
NWP [Northwest Province]
  • Bamenda = 46
  • Fundong = 23
  • Mbengwi* = 23
  • Nkambe* = 6
  • Wum* = 15
  • Ndop... new!
SWP [Southwest Province]
  • Buea = 76
  • Bangem = 24
  • Fontem* = 13
  • Kumba* = 56
  • Mamfe* = 14
  • Mundemba* = 14
  • Limbe... new!
[*GTTC's with PCVs holding teaching posts]

1 comment:

  1. these numbers are low. and they speak to the conversation i had with my APCD that i captured a few posts ago (linked to in the title above). which is why i posted this, and why i was interested enough to document these numbers in my journal when they came out.

    the largest admissions are to the biggest cities: Buea, Bamenda and Kumba. other schools with large numbers aren't too far away from these cities, like Mbengwi and Fundong (to a certain extent).

    it is basically the most remote schools (like Nkambe, Mundemba, Wum and Mamfe) that have the least students.
